Tag Archives: Fashion Intern

Ariel Pietrobono II Intern for Bib + Tuck

Ariel Pietrobono, a good friend of mine who I like to call “Ari F Baby” because she was once obsessed with Lil Wayne ( I don’t think she is obsessed with him anymore but then again who is? )  is a really cool person. Not only does she attend Pace University and has been a Manhattan resident for the past couple of years, but she is also an intern for Bib + Tuck. She introduced me to Bib + Tuck, a website that describes themselves as “…A highly currated community of shoppable personal closets” and I actually fell in love with it. First of all, the website  has really pretty fashion girl pictures on it, and I LOVE pretty pictures. Also, the whole concept, like Ariel, is r e a l l y cool. You can sell unwanted clothing and accessories in exchange for currency to be used to buy other peoples items. When you sign up, they give you 15 bucks to start with. I already have 25 bucks because they gave me 10 more bucks for posting, or as they call it “bibbing” my first item, a small Fendi handbag that I never use. Each buck on their website equals a dollar, and you can buy bucks to use on people’s items. A cool feature is that you can “follow” people, so I followed Ariel and some random girls who seemed super trendy and had things for sale that I liked. Anyways, you should probably definitely check it out >>>>    Bib & Tuck   >>>> Also, because Ariel is so cool I sent her a mini interview via email asking her about her internship & her style. Check it out!

II    Click here to shop Ariel’s closet. She has many cute items for sale!  Click here to shop my closet.   II

 BT:  First of all, thank you so much for introducing me to the hidden gem of a website, Bib + Tuck. How is your internship going ? What are some of your daily tasks ?

AP: Awwww of course! I knew it would be right up your alley especially with Breedazzled. It’s a great concept, and I think if more girls found out about it and used it, it would really take off. I really have been enjoying it, especially because working within fashion is something completely new to me, so it’s fun to learn all the ropes. I do a lot of merchandising with the featured closets clothes and accessories that come in – anything from tagging to input, organizing, pricing, and listing them online to be bought. It’s cool because I can see everything before the rest of the website (and maybe call some dibs). I also do their social media – scheduling tweets on Twitter and creating and maintaining boards on Pinterest.

BT:  Do you remember what you wore on your first day interning?

AP:  I do I do. I wore a tight Brandy Melville under the knee dress with a denim shirt over it and my white high top converses.

 BT: What is your advice to people about dressing for a work environment? What is something you should NEVER wear to the office ?

AP: At least for me, it’s nice to wear something comfortable in the office, not scrubby, but comfortable. I’m either sitting on my computer for hours and hours or climbing a ladder to reach clothes to ship out. I don’t want to wear something that’s going to bother or annoy me when I’m trying to focus. But by all means, I also don’t think you should come to work in yoga pants and Uggs – be cute and put a little effort into what you’re wearing – it shows a lot about who you are!

 BT: You have lived in Manhattan, home of some of the most fashionable people in the world, for a few years now. Has city life changed your style?

AP:  Definitely. I think in high school I looked like a plate of hot mess, so I feel like my style now is a complete 180 from that time of my life. Everybody who lives here is completely different from the next, which is awesome, so you form into who you are in a style sense as well. I also like that one day I can dress super cute in floral dresses and lacy booties and look like I just walked out of a prairie and then the next day I can be at a party in Brooklyn wearing a black beanie and combats looking absolute grunge. I like that you have those options everyday.

BT: What is your favorite place in NYC to Party at currently? If we were going there tomorrow night, what would you wear and what would you be sippin’ on?

AP: Bars, preferably anything divey with graffiti over the bathroom walls. But seriously just any bar that’s fun and plays good music. Preferably like good 90’s hits too. Really there’s a bar in Williamsburg called Charleston that plays amazing 90’s hits and they also have a special that you can buy a shot and a beer for 5 dollars. And they have 1 dollar personal pizzas. Like I’m sold. I also am quite favorable to the local bar by school downtown because I love the bartenders and everyone from school is always there. I’m not a club person. I’m probably wearing something that reflects the mood I’m in. And I’m definitely drinking a tequila sour.

BT: Your three favorite stores to shop at are….

AP: I’m not into designer stores at all because I’m poor but the three I shop at most would probably be Brandy Melville, H&M, and Forever21. So typical.

BT: Celebrity closet you would raid “bling ring” style & why.

AP: It used to be Miley but her style is a bit crazy lately. I would definitely say Vanessa Hudgens – Did you see her Coachella outfits – and probably Nicole Richie. They just always look amazing. And you know what I’m just gonna have to say Miley too.  The bitch goes there, she’s one of a kind.

BT: Webster is adding Ariel Pietrobono to the dictionary. What is the definition?

AP: A short human being that makes up for lack of inches with energy, laughter, and colorfulness.

Xo… b


Me, left & Ariel at our senior prom. I wore a BCBG mini which I chose because I knew I could get multiple uses out of it. I would throw a black leather jacket or even a denim vest over it and wear it out to a club. The picture on the right is of us during our freshman year of college, up to no good in the city that NEVER sleeps…

Below is a video from the LIL WAYNE concert we went to, also during our freshman year of college. Told ya she was obsessed !