Tag Archives: vemma renew

Outfit of the Day: Brunch & Stuff

I was elated when my younger cousin Carly & her two friends adventured into NYC to visit me yesterday! We had the most amazing time walking around my neighborhood, the West Village and all around the surrounding areas. I may be biased, but my cousin and her friends are really amazing girls. Myself being 22 and the girls being 18 & 19, they are slightly younger than me yet I would totally hang with them all the time (that is if they want to hang with me) . Carly and her crew are smart, funny, put together and so happy. They radiate happiness! What a joy it was to bring them around the city and show them new things. Take a look below at some of the best moments of our day!

Xxx B


Myself “B” left with Carly in the Meatpacking district. What I’m rocking: Vest: Urban Outfitters. Tank: Brandy Melville. Pants: Nike. Shoes: Converse. Bag: Marc Jacobs. Bracelets: Breedazzled. And a hippy headband from IDK where!

We wandered around the Village and spotted a super cute garden looking type restaurant that caught our attention named Olio e Piu. It was the perfect setting to have a nice little brunch with the girls and have a Vemma tasting sorrei….



 Cheers! The girls got to try Vemma Renew, which promotes healthy hair, skin and nails. Basically beauty in a bottle that tastes like OJ, how amazing ? You also see them clinking the Verve ParTea which is an “insanely healthy energy tea” and they absolutely loved it! Another drink we sipped at brunch was the Verve Zero Sugar which was perfect pre Manhattan tour considering how much walking we did and how much caffeine it contains (80 mg of natural caffeine) Woop!

**to shop these products visit breedazzled79.vemma.com **


After brunch, we took our Breedazzled selves and wandered over to Chelsea Market AKA one of my favorite spots in Manhattan.


There we explored the tiny, unique shops inside of the Market, which is actually a converted factory! The Morroccan shop is definitely a favorite place of mine. I visually spent about ten grand on textiles and silver platters. I really cannot afford my eyes….


So many pretty things I can’t take it! I love the Hamsa, hand of god. I have a pretty silver Hamsa hanging over my doorway which was a gift & it brings a sense of protection to my apartment.


Chelsea market also has “Artists and Fleas” where you can find some of the most amazing pieces of jewelry, vintage clothing, artwork and really cool shit you do not need!


I was digging these graphic tees, how typical of myself. I had to refrain from buying the cutest half denim half tulle dress, I can always just make my own version !


Love the way the colorful art looks against the brick wall!


Although we did not get any sweets, we did some sweet window shopping!


Once we got through Chelsea Market, we headed back to my apartment for some mid afternoon Verve MoJoe, which happens to be my favorite Verve drink. Since trying the Mojoe, a coffee drink that is non dairy & made with coconut cream, I no longer want the other coffee I was drinking. It is THAT good!


After coffee, I had to go to Algebra class, EW! So the girls headed down to Soho! But not before playing with the puppy, Monte. Monte is Marissa’s 10 week old boxer who came for an NYC visit this week!


Megan, above, rocking her Breedazzled Angel Wings!


Katie, above in her Breedazzled Lady Bug bangles.


Monte sticking his tongue out at Carly because he wants to taste her Verve Remix!

Visit me again soon girls, love ya!

Visit Breedazzled79.vemma.com to purchase the Vemma products & etsy.com/shop/shopbreedazzled to purchase Breedazzled Jewelry!